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 Club Quiz- Enjoy

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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Club Quiz- Enjoy Empty
PostSubject: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 2:34 pm

Club Quiz Cause I Was Bored <3


1) Who is your favourite shipping?

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)


1) What is your favourite anime or manga?

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga.


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?


1) What’s your worst fear?

2) Do you pee in the shower?

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?

4) What are you thinking about right now?

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?

2) Have you ever done something (eg: throw a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)

2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?

3) Ever had a near death experience?

4) Would you call yourself normal?

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?

6) Have you ever been stalked?


Yeah I’m all out, sorry guys D: Still, I tried to make it interesting, notice not one of them says ‘what’s your favourite colour?’ XP I know it kinda strays from the topic of the club but I don’t care so ha! >.> Anyway, enjoy.

And no lying! D:<
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Club Quiz- Enjoy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 4:05 pm

Jamie says:
3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?
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This many posts? You're joking right?
This many posts? You're joking right?

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Club Quiz- Enjoy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 4:28 pm

WHOA O_O Kim! This is an awesome idea! Cool I'm so glad I skipped going to the buzz for the library!


1) Who is your favourite shipping?
The original - LukexAlex n_n But I love my harem too! KirstyxClubMembers *heart*

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene
It was the first shipping in the club that I er.. bonded with? xp

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?
Least favourite.. hum.. any shipping that goes against my favourite shippings!

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?
Abbi of course! Best friend love is one of the sweetest *heart*

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)
LMAO XP Alex is the club Mikuru, it would be easier to name who he HASN'T been shipped with..


1) What is your favourite anime/manga?
Fruits Basket, Nana, Lovely Complex, Fullmetal Alchemist, Boku wo Hatsukoi *lists*

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?
I'll do it for Fruits Basket - If you can't relate to at least one of the characters or oneof their situations.. then you are not human. PURE SHOUJO LOVE.

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?
OH MY WORD! D= *huggles all merch* Actually.. I would burn my Shippo keyring.. because I really dislike Shippo -_-

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?
Not that I know of.. *thinks*

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?
I would like to cosplay as Tohru buuut I would never kill her beautiful character like that xp

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga.
EDITORS. They are so restrictive T_T *huggles manga-ka* and LICENSORS. Seriously! Translate more shoujo into english! >______<


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?
DALE! Because he embraced the way of the shipper! xp

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?
Meeting new people n_n

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?
Love = taking photos.
Hate = having to remember stuff.

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?
All males MUST crossdress and call me Master *heart*

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP
Yes.. but we can't >_< we are lucky we got away with only an angry phone call and 4 injuries..

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?
There's been many xp *thinks* washing in the toilets with Abbi after our rice fight springs to mind x_x Murder in the Dark *shudders* that building is so creepy.. xp


1) What’s your worst fear?
House Fires..

2) Do you pee in the shower?
Ha ha xp;;

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?
Of course o_o

4) What are you thinking about right now?
Err.. xp;; that cannot be revealed ;D

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?
*thinks* Eva *heart* and my mum *loves*

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?
Freezing.. I imagine it to be snowy xp


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?
*dies* xp I'm so surprised they allow people on 4chan at college! *browses /cm/*

2) Have you ever done something (eg: throw a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?
I have xp It's because my teachers like me at college n_n *so happy*

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?
Yes x_____x I think I phoned my friend to bring me some xp

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?
Yes >____< Waitressing is like that..

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?
Indeed.. *remembers dropping 3 dinners*


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)
Err.. Abbi? *shrugs* I find too many people/things funny.. =D

2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?
Strangest? Humm.. *thinks* My cousins are pretty strange.. *shrugs* why? Well.. maybe I'l bring them to the club one day xp

3) Ever had a near death experience?
I'd like to think so.. xp

4) Would you call yourself normal?
Yeah.. I breath, eat, sleep.. you know.. normal stuff like that..

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?
Worst = Lazy, self-absorbed, forgetful.. and most would say I have 'bad habbits' xp
Best = Dedicated? Forgiving? Maybe that ties with being forgetful.. *thinks*

6) Have you ever been stalked?
I'd like to think so Cool Buuut yeah.. generally I'm the one doing the stalking *dies a thousand deaths* It's because I'm obssessive..
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Club Quiz- Enjoy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 12:32 pm

...Yeah you guys are probably gonna look at this and think 'ch, cant be arsed to read it' XD


1) Who is your favourite shipping?

Dan x Nathan

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene

Quote Nathan: *to Dan* “If I were gay I’d go out with you” (something like that anyway >.>) That and they’re just so adorable together X3

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?

Umm, don’t think I have one really… o.o Ummmm *thinks* ..yeah I don’t have one XP

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related

Well there’s no hints for something like me x Tom, or me x Kirsty, therefore I don’t support it, y’know? o.o (I think Lucy x Kirsty is cute, they live off each other on the shipping thread >.>)

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?

Probably Taya just to bug Alex XD *huggles Taya* I’m tiny and cute n____n

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)

Hannah x___x’’ Yeah, you’d be surprised but she has loads. Richard x Hannah, Jess x Hannah, Laura x Hannah, me x Hannah, Luke x Hannah… umm… I think there was another one but I can’t think of it (and no it wasn’t Jo XP) But yeah as you can see, apart from Jess and Laura, it’s a love hate thing XD


1) What is your favourite anime?

Hunter x Hunter. @__@ I was addicted! Till I didn’t watch it in a while and lost interest, but its one of those animes were all I need to do is watch one episode and I’ll be hooked again.

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?

Umm, ok, so Gon, this kid with a retarded name, wants to become a hunter like his dad. A hunter is a highly skilled assassin who is looked upon as a great, respected person. (Jen, please correct me if I’m wrong, its been a while >__<) They can become rich, get access to highly restricted information, travel and stay in expensive hotels, get discounts blah blah blah, anyway, you can get all that with a hunters licence card thingy. To get it, you have to enter the hunter exam where you go through loads of tests that test different areas such as knowledge, teamwork, fighting and survival skills etc (think chunin(sp?) exam of Naruto)- anyway Gon want to become a hunter to find his daddy- end of story cause I cant be arsed to type any more of it XP

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?

All of them!!! D:< *burns* I vote we dance naked round the purddy flames :3

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?

Like I would *cough* >.> Ok, so I kinda got labelled ‘the manga wrecker’ for a while, no biggie, right Jess? I replaced it anyway n___n

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?

Cosplayed as some random person from Strawberry Panic, but I really don’t like the cosplay, its poop *burns*

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga (remember, no spoilers)

Ok, seriously, I was like WTF?!?!?! I watched GetBackers, and at the end there’s a fight that’s such a pokemon moment, it’s the hole ‘two people fighting, someone runs in the middle- KABOOM!’ anyway, as you’d expect, the character who ran in the middle was bleeding and dying-… wait wait… no, they really wasn’t! Its like, you just got hit by two strong characters and not even a dribble of blood! Then, even worse, the anime just ENDS! The whole last disk leads up to this great event that’s gonna kick off in the Limitless Fortress, and you don’t even get to see it!!! D:<


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?

I’d vote for Lee cause he’s amusing XD Honestly, it’s like there’s a dark side I never knew existed! =O With my first impression of him I just kinda figured he was all quiet cause he was always perched next to Alex staring at the laptop screen XD

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?

Umm, well I really like the atmosphere and how most people know everyone. Like how people are really easy to get along with and even now I’m still making random discoveries about random people. >.> Like how Lee and Rowan were childhood friends, and how Jess (brown hair) lives near my mums (she came into Somerfield- yay! XD) and that she does dog sitting! *admires* @___@ Oh and this one isn’t new but its cool to find out someone you know lives just round the corner from you XD *pats Taya*

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?

I really loved the sushi-making! @___@ Seriously, although I wasn’t making any (I was more eating it >.>’’) It was fun to watch and taste, and I love how people take the time to show others how its done! *huggles Taya and Laura* They didn’t have to sit there and constantly make nori- whatever it is, but they did and were very helpful n___n Have to say ‘fruits basket’ is torturing my soul D: Don’t get me wrong, its fun to play once in a while, but it kinda really bores me now o__o No disrespect to Kirsty or anything, I know she does her best to please everyone and keep the club interesting and what not! *huggles Kirsty* Its just not a game I particularly love is all n__n’’ (saying that, I’d still play it anyway if that’s what everyone was doing x__x)

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

All hail Hitler </3 lol

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP

Hell yeah! XD BEST game EVER! Freaky as hell though x___x Omg I’ll never forget when me, Viki and Taya hid in the disabled toilets and (I think it was Luke…?) was outside the door ready to get us-… and I farted… >.>’’ So Viki was like ‘oh God, we’re coming out! Kim just farted! DX’ but no one was there so we fled the gas chamber >.> Its still the freakiest game I’ve ever played though DX Its weird how you wouldn’t think being in an empty building with friends and all the lights turned off would be able to freak people out so damn much but it really does XD (for those who don’t know, we couldn’t play it anymore cause this guy knew we’d been around the building when we wasn’t supposed too, yeah he wasn’t very happy, and now we have other clubs in the building with us where as before it was just us… o___o)

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?

Eeeerrr… murder in the dark I guess. n___n Its just such a fun game, its like no matter how freaked out I get when I come out of hiding and find no one around after looking for five minutes then go crawl under a table cause I’m seriously THAT freaked out that I don’t feel safe anymore- I’d still play it again if I got given the chance XD


1) What’s your worst fear?

Umm, I’m not really sure to be honest… x____x Ok, wouldn’t say its my worst fear but crocodiles freak the hell out of me. They hide under the water and wait till your reeeally close- then they KILL you! D:<

2) Do you pee in the shower?

…Yeah I’m probably the only one that’s gonna admit to that- but you all lie! D: Besides, its not like I hit my foot or anything, and its only when I need to go whilst being in the shower 8P

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?

Yeah, some fail some don’t. Like I put a LOAD of sugar in mums drink once and she just stood there drinking it till I was like ‘mum what the hell?! *takes it off her*’ …I guess salt would have worked better eh? x___x’’ A more successful practical joke would be a few years back when Declan (younger annoying brother- you know the type) wanted to watch TV in mine and Lucy’s room. I said yes and before hand I was sat telling him a story about a ghost that turns off the TV and if you ask it to turn it back on it will. Anyway, after that I hid in my room on my bed with this big lion teddy covering me so he couldn’t see me but I could clearly see him. He started watching telle and I had hold of the remote. I waited a while and kept pressing the ‘stand by’ button and every time he reached to the TV to turn it back on I’d press stand by again so the screen would come up again. After a while he looked around the room and asked the ghost to turn it back on. I was in stitches for ages XD

4) What are you thinking about right now?

Honestly? I’m thinking Mars bars suck >.> I had one in my bad and it was all smushed and the caramel was all stuck to the packet D:

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?

Hmm, aside from my nan, it would have to be my Aunt Lorraine XD She has so much of nans humour in her its awesome XD I’ll never forget my 18th, when she met Richard all gothed up. She was firing all these questions at him and got round to asking how old he was. When Richard said 19 she laughed and said "Oh, a cradle snatcher are ya?" XD

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?

Umm, as much as I really hate the cold I’d say freezing cause you fall asleep and die peacefully- but then that’d take a while so I’ll go for drowning >.> It seems faster.


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?

Nope n___n Not that I went on them at school or anything XD Although at school someone randomly decided to type peoples names into the web address bar and see what comes up, like, and Jenna was a porn site XD

2) Have you ever done something (eg: three a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?

Well being a good student I didn’t get blamed for anything- you know cause I was always so quiet? Most of the time I just sat there all quietly and got on with my work, it’s what geeks do ok?! XP Anyway, Geography was fun (or was it R.E…?) I sat at the back with a few friends and the boys sat at the front. We just used to pelt things at each other across the room n__n

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?

No but I’ve been extremely close, like I’d pull the paper and it would just stop and I’d be left with two sheets x__x Hana was with me at the time so if I’d had to I would have shouted to her >.> Oh I also remember an embarrassing time when the ONLY tampon I had left dropped out of my hand and rolled out of my toilet cubical into a rather packed toilet area DX It was like an anime moment where you just watch in horror as it rolls away >__< I could hear voices talking about it asking who’s it was and everything! DX I just pretended it wasn’t mine and left in a hurry >.> Thankfully I found Lucy who lent me a period pad *huggles* <3

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?

Kind of x___x I had my phone and £5 in my pocket and Jevon had a good chew on my ass about it -___-‘’ Like I’m the only person to carry a phone on me D’:<

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?

By refusing them alcohol and fags yeah but I haven’t made them cry or anything x___x Oh but at Primark I sort of told someone they was crap at their job but I didn’t realise I was making that impression till someone said >.> Not that I actually was saying that, and I had no right to comment if I was, I think I was the worst person there XD

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?

Umm, yeah n__n’’ I kinda dropped a bottle of red wine- well knocked it off anyway- whilst serving this customer, and it went everywhere and people had to come mop it up, and the store apparently stank of red wine. About half an hour later Ryan backed his ass up into a stand and knocked off another bottle XD I felt sorry for him but I was relieved at the same time cause it wasn’t just me who was having an off day >.>


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)

Dane Cook… umm, lets see… a quote…

“Here’s another way to be remembered, and again this one, this is more personal, it’s for you because nobody is ever gonna know that it was you, but you’ll know, and that’s all that matters. Next time you go to a party, a great big party- go into the room where all the coats are-… shit on the coats… Guaranteed at some point somebody’s gonna walk outta that room and go ‘someone’s shit on the coats! Someone has shit on the coats!’ that’s the only thing you can say when someone shits on the coats.”

(talking about a trip to the movies) “You always have to check out the seats and have a discussion about how great the fucking seats are. You sit in the seats and you’re like ‘wow these are awesome seats. This is so comfortable- oh this goes up! Look at this! …It’s a cup holder or you can blow me if the movies bad- haha’”

2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?

I’d actually have to say Lucy XD You guys haven’t seen what I have, she’s really weird and hit me with a fly swatter once whilst singing Thumbalina >.> I don’t even think Nathan’s seen her super weird-ass mood that she goes in XD She laughs for no reason and the way she talks to her rats is just damn creepy x___x Its amusing to watch though n__n

3) Ever had a near death experience?

Yeah. My heart stopped beating twice when I was a baby, nearly drowned and nearly got hit by many many cars n___n

4) Would you call yourself normal?

Would you believe me if I said yes? XD Nah, I’m weird, I accept it 8P Oh I just remembered, I used to sway! XD I haven’t done it in so long, I actually think I’ve grown out of it…? Um, yeah, I used to sit cross-legged and sway side to side, but the freaky thing was there were times I didn’t realise I was doing it and Lucy would be like ‘Kim, please stop…’ and I’d realise and stop n__n’’

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?

Umm, I think my best personality trait would be I’m really understanding, I’m all for sitting down and talking rather than shouting, y’know? And I’m quite open about most things. Umm, worst would be… probably not saying anything when something annoys me, I’ll brush it off and try and ignore it but then it sits there in the back of my mind till it builds up on top of other unrelated things and I end up getting stressed and mad about everything at once x__x

6) Have you ever been stalked?

Nope n___n Wanted to stalk someone though >.> Not in the obsessive kinda way of course XD But the ‘how long can I go with out being seen?’ kinda way 8P
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Training for Bankai
Training for Bankai

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Club Quiz- Enjoy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 2:18 pm


1) Who is your favourite shipping?
Well, the only shipping I actually ever supported was Nathan/Daniel XD

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene

first time I met them and at Jenna's they acted like a married couple- was amusing and adorable!

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?
...don't think I have one XD

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?

...I wouldn't ship myself but I don't mind being shipped with Lucy or Kim XP ahaha they're so cute~~!!

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)

Um, I'm kept in the dark quite a lot of times with shippings- I don't know.. um.. Hannah? XD I can feel Hannah giving me evils when she reads this lol *sorry hannah >.<*


1) What is your favourite anime or manga?


2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?

It has Comedy, Action, Romance, Drama- Great Panelling and Beautiful and a brilliant versatile art style! Plot line is Excellent (*¬*)

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?

um, I heard she doesn't really have like yaoi/yuri manga but I know she has a vast amount of manga - being the business minded person I am - i'll sell them! MWUHAHAA~~ I wouldn't burn any of hers... I dont think X_X

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?
nope, since I'm quite protective of my own manga 'do unto other's mangas as you would like others to do unto your mangas' or something like that XP

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?

I wanna cosplay so much! but I don't know who to cosplay as since they're all pretty! (since I mostly read shoujo mangas XD) and the shounen ones are too cool! I wanted to cosplay as kakashi at one point... Kakashi!!! I LOVE YOU ;_;
6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga.
I really don't like how they sometimes try and reverse the right to left to left to right (to suit westerners) because it doesn't flow as well. And sometimes theres long breaks in chapters in mangas or they even discontinue some!!! AHHHHH

but yeah, Manwha,Manhua and Manga are all GREAT!!


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?

Strangely.. Lee, I don't know, he always appear calm, composed and collected with lots of knowledge up his sleeve... wait, no, in his brain, wait ... he's clever! English go bad now ._.

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?

Meeting new people, socialising with others, having a general laugh at something silly and working together at things and organizing it together (e.g.sushi making!)

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?

Love~> Murder in the dark ^^; um sushi making, food in general! I like fruits basket drawing manga!!! We still need to do a club doujin! (^x^)/

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

EVeryone has to bake/make/buy me snacks and yummy things woo~ every monday *likes yumyums* lol

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP

I love it, I miss it>_< but it scared me so much, and yes I remember Kim's make-do gas chamber XD and the second time was with Viki and Alex and I got lost on the stage as I tripped over (without phone= no light) and I crawled into a dead end I heard foot steps and thought they were the murderers and wanted to cry out but was scared to be caught... I was scared - didn't help with Nathan and Daniel pretending to have guns!!!

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?

I have many, murder in the dark, sushi making <-- those two being the most dominant and most memorable lol


1) What’s your worst fear?

Insects- knowing they're in the house... maybe in my bed or clothes noooooooooooo!!!
Losing a family member... >.< Losing someone important...

2) Do you pee in the shower?

nope, though I sometimes feel the need to so I jump out the shower and (I slipped and fell on the floor last time I did this) and land my posterior on the toilet seat ahaha

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?
yesh i have- since I have siblings- its great to do it~ MWUHAHAA o i remember feeding my sister mints (small ones) whilst she was napping on the sofa then she woke up and I gave her some and she was like 'huh? I feel like i've ate them before..' lol thought you can't count that as a practical joke.. wait... I don't think I have really gone out my way to do a practical joke on someone - *needs to do one*

4) What are you thinking about right now?
only has around 15 minutes to get ready to go out>.< needs to start gettind ready - wants to whine since I went to college 9:00 in the morning after spending all last night typing up my english analysis essay only to be told I didn't have to go and it was due in next week X_X

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?

Garbo!!! I love her to bits! People always think we're lesbians since I always give her kisses lol XD she said her first kiss was given to me!! ahaha she's a year older than me* She was born in Sweden ah~

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?
Burning as in die from carbon monoxide? I might choose that or drowning... I hate the cold..


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?
nope, dirty? nope.

2) Have you ever done something (eg: throw a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?

yes many times~ with constant humming behind these two students with my best friend - made them so mad that they started swearing in class X_X >.< felt so guilty
3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?

yesh but at times like these I have tissue in my bag~!

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?

um... think I did...


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)

Jeff dunham 'silence!!!....infidels~' lolol
2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?
my family- evryone of them is crazy!
3) Ever had a near death experience?
I slid into the road with bike into a road and cars from both sides had to stop >.< and whislt walking across the road - red light for cars- a car didn't stop and zoomed past me and hit my bag - as I just flung my bag forward as I stepped out onto the road- nearly got killed by buses whilst on bike- so close I touched the sides >.<
I also jumped off a 30ft tree X3 had a harness on thought ^^; lol

4) Would you call yourself normal?

no,yes,no,yes,maybe, I don't know. Normal in a good way hopefully~
5) What's your best/worst personality trait?

Best-> don't have one (=_=; )

Worst-> Me in general

6) Have you ever been stalked?

yes, twice, one stalked me everyday in secondary school(he asked me out after a few months or so! lol, the other dissapeared after a year - again in school
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 5:10 pm

*huggle Taya* yay, another Nathan x Dan fan X3

(*¬*) <--- i was looking at that for ages trying to figure out how it went... XD

oooh! You should cosplay! n____n You'd look so adorable! Still, i dont know who you could cosplay as either >.> You off to the May expo in London? If so maybe you can cosplay for that n____n
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 7:07 pm

Taya, go as Yourichi from Bleach while I go as Urahara =3

Also, i'm gonna fill this in if my net is working when im home from work.
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 9:04 pm


1) Who is your favourite shipping?

Nathan x Daaaann! >w<

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene

Me texting nath: (about dan) hes gonna lead you down a dark alley and take advantage of you X3

Nath: im at home now, my arse was sore.


3) Who is your least favourite shipping?

I dont wanna say >___>''

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related

It makes me feel uncomfortable..?

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?

Taya cause shes an amazing person and is just so damn cute! >w< *huggles* And Nathie of course =3 As he is also amazing n______n

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)

Kirsty cause she can be shipped with ANYONE! XD


1) What is your favourite anime?

Ouran High School Host Club

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?

Its so amazingly funny..... *cant be arsed*

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?

All of them, one by one, page by page, in front of her as a form of torture >8D

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?

I dont think so o_O'

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?

Yah. Itachi Uchiha. I wanna sell it, anyone wanna buy? >_>'

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga (remember, no spoilers)

REALLY SHIT SUBS!! Seriously, proper boxed sets, like the bleach boxed sets, have REALLY shit subtitles, names spelt wrong, make no sense etc. So i had to buy data disks of them that were fan subbed - PERFECT SUBS! See, screw funds, all a good anime really needs is fans =)


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?

Lee and Dale XD TOGETHER!! Get lotsa craziness and very interesting ideas =P

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?

Everything, really. Meeting new people, socialising (which im really bad at XD) - hell i met nath at the club for gods sake XD And got to be re-united with Taya =D ALL HAIL THE GYAAM CLUB!!

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?

Murder in the Dark was amazing. It really was the most memorable time of the club EVER, and i think a trip to play towers would go right up there in the list of to-die-for memories =). I dont like.. uh.. *thinks*.. having to get there.. ? >___>'

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

Dan and Nath should act- no.. BE a couple whenever at the club together! >8D *drools* And should dance together all the time cause its just great XD

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP

YES!!! TT___________TT Even though i got injured XD I remember that me, luke and lee all had this super-secret hiding place and as we were going into hiding a group of people 'found us', and lee was still in view but cause it was dark and he stayed VERY VERY still everyone just thought he was some of the junk in there and not a person XDXD We were all like 'OMGWTFLMAO!!!' XDXD Man that was so funny XD

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?

....*cough* no comment >___>''


1) What’s your worst fear?

Drowning, or being in water with crocodiles/sharks in it >________<''' Losing my loved ones TT_____________________TT

2) Do you pee in the shower?

Peed in Bobo's shower and she knows it XD

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?

Yup XD Kims usually the vistim >=P One time me and bobo stole 'her' bike cause she didnt lock it up properly outside the shop and ran all the way home with it (the long way round so she wouldnt see us) XD Man she was soooo pissed when she got in XD

4) What are you thinking about right now?

How im gonna get to see Jay and Nath (Bo's little brothers) tomorrow, havent seen the little freaks in ages n___________n

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?

My dad XD Hes so funny XD The kinda dad to run off with the trolley when shopping and hide from mum in really big stores then stalk her for ages XD

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?

Getting shot >___>''


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?


2) Have you ever done something (eg: three a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?

Yeah XD It pays to be a geek XP

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?

Yes TT___________TT Had to ask a stranger to throw me some over the cubical once >o<''

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?

Yeah XD My bitch of a boss: 'if you dont pick up the pace in two weeks youre fired!! D=<' x_____________x''

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?

As kirsty said, waitressing is like that..

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?

Lotsa plates/cups/meals etc. at work XD Dropped a dinner on my bosses shoe and freaked out cause it was back when i was new XD


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)

My dad XD He did an impression of Nath earlier but its perverted cause hes a mean old man XD Nath makes me laugh loads too =3

2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?

Strange? Uhh.. i dont know XD Jennas brothers are rather strange little freaks.. >__>'' Jay was convinced i was the moon once and said he would wave at me and throw a stick up to me every night XD And when hes mad he tells me hes gonna come to my house and burn it down... hes like.. 5... >______________>''' Love the little bugger XD

3) Ever had a near death experience?

Stopped breathing when i was a baby.. fell out of a window when i was little (didnt even break anything though XD) .. nearly drowned several times XD

4) Would you call yourself normal?

Not really XD

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?

Best = im awesome <3
Worst = i think im awesome </3

(lol j/k)

6) Have you ever been stalked?

Nope. Im not special enough *tear*
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4th Seat
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 9:46 pm


1) Who is your favourite shipping?


2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene

Because Im amazing ?

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?

Edward Cullen x BELLA T_T

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related


5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?

Dave the laugh (L)
Hugh Jackman (l)
Taylor Lautner (l)
Jacob Black (l)
Rupert Grint (l)
O and the random hot guy in my english lit ^^

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)

I like eggs.


1) What is your favourite anime or manga?

girl got game or love attack

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?

No it ?

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?

I would love to kill kirsty xD

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?

Apparently I wreck kirstys X_X coz I bend the spine LOl XD

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?

I want to cosplay as Ino (H)
Claire from Claymore
Sailor Moon
my new found lookalikey when I wear a head band OTANI xD

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga.

They come out too slow.


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?

Me because Im hot.

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?

Running around like a spaz.

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?

I hate watching anime -.-, I like the games and stuff

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

That everyone must kiss my toes like Im jesus.

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP

OMG I DO. We should play it in the woods...with elephants.

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?

Breaking that tea cup -.-


1) What’s your worst fear?

Needles, Heights, Hospitals, Giving blood, Getting Old.

2) Do you pee in the shower?

LMAO I only baff xD

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?

I pull them all the time. I can remember when telling my friend James that I had a twin and he believed me.

4) What are you thinking about right now?

I really should get in the bath.

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?

LEWIS OM OM OM (H) He has an asbo and ginga (H)
6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?

Drown, its alot quicker.


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?


2) Have you ever done something (eg: throw a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?

HAHAHA yes (H)

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?

no ?

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?

I get told off all the time ?

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?

OMG T_T Calling a girl in your english Lit class a bull dozer when she is musclely and 5ft 10 isnt a good thing.

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?

Noo instead o go "HOLY OMG YOU DID THIS"


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)

Russel Howard


2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?

I only know normal people.

3) Ever had a near death experience?


4) Would you call yourself normal?

Incrediblely normal

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?

All my traits are the best traits
execpt my mean trait xD

6) Have you ever been stalked?

for 3 year T_T
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 5:05 am


1) Who is your favourite shipping?
Taya x Lucy =3

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene
Take a guess why >_>

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?
Alex x Luke

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?
Well.... she's female and adorable (take a guess xp)

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)
Probably me -_-


1) What is your favourite anime or manga?
Anime - Macross Zero Manga - Claymore

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?
Macross Zero, always kept me in suspence and was beautifully animated.
Claymore, same reason.

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?
Everything, just to see her cry. XP

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?
I always take care.

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?
Want, Urahara (bleach), Hitsugaya (bleach), Altaiir (Assasin's Creed =3) and possibly Zero (vampire knight) just to make someone squeee.

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga.


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?
Me, coz yeh.

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?
There's joy?

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?
watching anime n_n when we can.

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP
yeh, it was great.

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?
Richard nutting me by accident and he fell further than I did.


1) What’s your worst fear?
Needles (srsly, that part in pulp fiction is the only bit in a film i cant watch)

2) Do you pee in the shower?
I did when little =3

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?
who hasn't?

4) What are you thinking about right now?
How my friend is lucky to go to FFXI fanfest in L.A.

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?
My grandmother, she's an alcoholic, chain smoking, scottish lady. Truelly a role model for children everywhere.

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?
Yes =3

2) Have you ever done something (eg: throw a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?
no, as you may nickname me 'finch'

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?
im on my 2nd written.

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?
I poured milkshake on a drive thru customers lap, because he threw one at me saying it was the wrong flavour.

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?
Hmmm, a few times.


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)
Either Mechaike or Marcuss Brigstocke (fuck the quote)

2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?
Necro Joe (the nick name gives it away why)

3) Ever had a near death experience?
Mmmm, hanging about 30ft by a branch now lodged in my wrist over spikey sticks.... yeh near death.

4) Would you call yourself normal?
As normal as a florecent purple snake with feathers.

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?
best, I care too much for people...
Worst, i'm pessemistic.

6) Have you ever been stalked?
Yes X_X psycho ex from hell, omfg fucking scary X_X glad she's moved away.
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 12:32 pm

Alex-J wrote:

1) Who is your favourite shipping?
Taya x Lucy =3

Ahah yay XD *huggles Taya* >w< So cuuuutteee! =3 I wants her! >o< *steals her away and claims her as her own* ^^

Quote :

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

LMAO!!! I second this here rule >w> But only if guys have to walk around topless! =OOO *drools* XD (for those of you who think im serious....... i am =D lol j/k)

Quote :
6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?
Richard nutting me by accident and he fell further than I did.

If someone didnt know what ACTUALLY happened, they might take the 'nutting' the wrong way... >__>'' Sounds like he hit you in your manly bits XD
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 2:47 pm

Quote :
5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?

Dave the laugh (L)
Hugh Jackman (l)
Taylor Lautner (l)
Jacob Black (l)
Rupert Grint (l)
O and the random hot guy in my english lit ^^

Umm, i meant within the CLUB, fool! XD

Quote :
5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP

OMG I DO. We should play it in the woods...with elephants.

OMG... Abbi has a BRAIN! O____O This is actualy an awsome idea! Minus the elephants of course >.>

I mean, think about it, we all get flashlights and have our phones switched on but on silent in case someone starts freaking out and wants to call someone in the group (or they could play the ring tone so someone who can hear it comes- like a distress call or something when they cant be arsed to shout) and we go in two's or more so no ones alone >.>

Anyone else think its a good crazy scary-assed idea? Very Happy

(leaving that alone for a sec) Alex, you threw a milkshake in someones lap and you have two written warnings?! =O Thats kinda cool in a strange kind of way cause i wouldnt expect it from you >.> But omg, how'd you end up with two written warnings? Im guessing one was from the milkshake... >.>
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 3:08 pm

we should all go play hide and seek in grimsby college
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 3:19 pm

Haha, thats another awsome idea! XD Its soooo big! I cried cause i got lost once x____x

OH!!! Thank you, you just reminded me of my biggest fear! XD *edits quiz* I knew there was something that really shits me up XD

Yeah i walked around for ages and i was going past the same thing over and over, hard to believe it was only for half an hour but it felt like ages DX

I think we should do it! >8D

No really, its a lot safer than the woods o___o But the woods still sounds awsome >.> When does grimsby break up? If its after Franklin a few of us could do it. Franklin breaks up on the 15th.

(K, just asked the person next to me to double-check and she said 17th... x___x'' 15th, 17th, tomaydo tomato XD)
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This many posts? You're joking right?

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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 3:59 pm

Alex-J wrote:

Quote :

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?

LMAO!!! I second this here rule >w> But only if guys have to walk around topless! =OOO *drools* XD (for those of you who think im serious....... i am =D lol j/k

I third this rule.

Abbi, Kim, you two good idea Cool LET'S DO IT! Thankfully it gets dark really early so it wouldn't be as if we were out late at night! =o So I think it would work out well! LET'S TAKE IT TO THE SUGGESTIONS SECTION!
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 7:55 pm

shinzo-chan wrote:

2) Do you pee in the shower?

Peed in Bobo's shower and she knows it XD

*Will never use Jenna's shower again*
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 1:03 am

LOL! Is Kaz free from you taking liberties then? =P Used bobo's toothbrush this morning XD LMAO!! (She let me >______________>'' Very generous of her XD ...Thank you boobboooooo!! =DDD *huggles* My mouth is now minty fresh! <3)
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 1:25 am

O_o you borrowed Bo's toothbrush thats grosss X_x I'd hate people using my toothbrush
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2008 7:58 pm


1) Who is your favourite shipping?

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene
It makes me chuckle

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?
D: P&O

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related
I said so

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?
Taya cuz shes a sweetheart c:

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)


1) What is your favourite anime or manga?
FMAFMAFMAFMA .. jesus I think we all know

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?
I'd steal all her fma things then burn the rest c:

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?
Cid Highiwnd, Reno, Rufus (lolwtf), Roy Mustang, Tseng, Zolf.J.Kimbly

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga.
Overly dramatic stuff and hetro couples that always end int he same way/tragedy. THERE IS NO EXCITEMENT ANYMORE ITS ALL THE SAME SHIT


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?
...... oh dear erm...... I cant really think.... errrmmm.... I give up

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?
Socialising with the peeps

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?
Love interesting griup stuff, hate having to sit down and watch wierd ass anime like claymore D:

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?
Everyone in the room who owns a cock has to take off their pants c:

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP
FUCK YEH ;A; we shud so do that

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?
I have short term memory So I dunno


1) What’s your worst fear?
When Im alone or alone in the dark... which is most of the time D: shit

2) Do you pee in the shower?
No plz thnx

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?
Who the fuck hasnt

4) What are you thinking about right now?
You you sexy sonofa bitch, do me

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?
My Uncle and my dad, theyre a lol and a half when they want to be

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?
Nope, I R Porn Ninja

2) Have you ever done something (eg: throw a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?
YES >8D its a good card to play

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?
I dunno I tune out my bosses

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?
No >: I may be vulgar but im a softie at heart

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?
Lol no I blame it on my brother c:


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)
Dane Cook "... its a plastic bag you idiot, why don't you just suffocate me with a wicker basket while you're at it ..."

2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?
Strange as in how...? >> << >>

3) Ever had a near death experience?
All the time c: cars like to chase me

4) Would you call yourself normal?

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?
Best: im kind?
worst: Im an asshole Very Happy

6) Have you ever been stalked?
D: yes
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2008 8:20 pm


1) Who is your favourite shipping?
I'm not in any sexual shippings so I'll keep it clean (Fed-Ex).

2) Give a reason for the above – eg: hint/scene
I like it when my things arrive on time.

3) Who is your least favourite shipping?
Royal Mail.

4) Give a reason for the above – eg: no hints/related
They're a bit late.

5) Who would you ship yourself with and why?
Probably Fed-Ex but I'm worried about being damaged so I'd mark my crate "fragile".

6) Who do you think has the most shipping partners? (Can you name them all?)
I'd have to bring up their financial figures. Most likely Fed-Ex: everything from Amazon and eBay usually comes through them.


1) What is your favourite anime or manga?
Aside from Gandamu, probably Last Exile. Or Kero Kero Gunso (very funny -- Even has a yaoi shipping -- Sometimes I worry I'll turn green) :3

2) Can you describe it and make it worth reading with no spoilers?

3) If you could burn any of Kirsty’s anime/manga merchandise what would it be?
Code Geass. Then I'd introduce her to a proper show.

4) Have you ever wrecked someone else’s anime or manga by accident?
Quite a few times, actually.

5) Who have you cosplayed as before? If you have never cosplayed would you like too?
Many years ago, Rabi~En~Rose. I can hardly believe about it myself.

6) Rant about a major fault within an anime or manga.
To be broad, I like stuff that crosses genres and isn't devoted to selling toys (ironic really).
It bothers me that a lot of the market is so focused on the money and not the product.


1) If Kirsty was for some unknown reason unable to run the club, who would you want to take her place and why?
Probably Alex. Then I can indirectly control him with mind-control and have you all do my bidding.

2) What do you enjoy most about the club?
That's like asking what the best bit of the BBQ is.
Usually, I just like being there, even if the food is bad.
...That didn't come out how I intended.

3) What activity do you love/hate doing?
The games are a bit childish. If I'm high or hyper, it's okay but otherwise... Not so much.

4) If you could make up a new rule what would it be?
We have a naughty corner or something that someone who says or does a bad thing must wear and it cannot be the same thing or person two weeks running.

5) Do you miss murder in the dark? If you didn’t play it-… your loss, twas fun XP
No, not really. To be frank, I would have used the time to rub faces together in a dark place if I had the balls.

6) What’s your most memorable moment within the club?
I'm not entirely sure. I remember the sushi thing but other than that...


1) What’s your worst fear?
I've never really thought about it... I'd have to say people. People can be very scary.

2) Do you pee in the shower?
No. I get out of the shower and sit down on the loo. No exceptions.

3) Have you ever pulled a practical joke?

4) What are you thinking about right now?
My inadequacy and whether or not I'll have time for tea between now and club-setoff time.

5) Who’s your most awesome relative?
Probably my mom. She was in the army and she's training to be a nurse. She's really strong willed and friendly and open minded.
Our resemblance sort of creeps me out though.

6) Would you rather die by freezing to death, burning or drowning?
Drowning. There is something very quick and peaceful about just giving yourself up to what you came from.


1) Have you ever got caught on a dirty website?
Remarkably, no. Never. But my brother once saw dirty pictures on my computer.

2) Have you ever done something (eg: throw a paper ball) and didn’t get blamed cause you were ‘a good student’?
That about summarizes my school experience.

3) Ever ran out of toilet roll whilst on the toilet in college?
Actually, at one point, I was bringing my own toilet roll because I thought the idea of using something to wipe my bottom that other people had used was unclean. I had a phobia at the time and was going through a difficult time at home.

4) Have you ever had a verbal warning at work?
No, but I got lots at college. I even got one for destruction of property, but it was incidental.

5) Ever upset a customer/work colleague?
No, I've never worked.

6) Have you ever broken or damaged something and thought ‘oh crap…’?
Once. I phoned him up and apologized profusely for twenty minutes then paid him back exactly the amount he had paid so he could get another for it but I kept the thing so I could remember to be more careful.


1) Who’s your favourite comedian? (give a good quote)
I have a few, actually...
"I don't have to worry about dying. Oh no. See, I'll pass away!" - George Carlin on language.
"Quite sinister, isn't it? It just went on and on, like Dancees seventh circle of hell." - Bill Bailey on the Magic Round About.

2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?
I don't know, actually. Most of you strike me as pretty boring. No offense or anything.

3) Ever had a near death experience?
I spent three weeks in a coma. I don't recall anything.

4) Would you call yourself normal?

5) What's your best/worst personality trait?
I don't know. It isn't very gracious to speak of ones' self in such a way.

6) Have you ever been stalked?
Sort of. Still am.
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeTue Dec 09, 2008 3:52 am

am i right in thinking theres another nathan? otherwise am scared
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeWed Dec 10, 2008 12:58 pm

harlequin-hoody wrote:
am i right in thinking theres another nathan? otherwise am scared

Yes, there's another nathan XD He's Dan's secret lover, but he's not really that secret you see >.> They even both got girlfriends to try and throw us off the trail but we know whats going on really >.>

Quote :
2) Who’s the strangest person you know and why do you think that?
I don't know, actually. Most of you strike me as pretty boring. No offense or anything.

Lee's harsh x______x''
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeWed Dec 10, 2008 6:31 pm

Ah... Sorry. For what it's worth, I'm more boring than almost all of you in my opinion.

The other side of my family we don't talk to anymore were really weird and interesting until they all grew up so I'm kind of jaded by my childhood.

I also notice I never get shipped.
Is there something fundamentally wrong with me? I'm worried now.
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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeWed Dec 10, 2008 6:57 pm


There you go.
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This many posts? You're joking right?
This many posts? You're joking right?

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PostSubject: Re: Club Quiz- Enjoy   Club Quiz- Enjoy Icon_minitimeWed Dec 10, 2008 8:29 pm

Tom *pats* You are a wonderful poster! I shall leave the club in my will for you! (Sorry Dale/Laura/anyone else I've left it to xp)

Lee.. there's nothing wrong with you. It's just sometimes people don't give off the 'shipping' vibe and it's hard to pair them up but that doesn't mean that there is anyting wrong with them. That doesn't apply to you though Lee! You do get shipped with people! o_o There's Alex, Luke, Rowan *thinks* who else have you been shipped with..
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