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 Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm

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Deus Invisus
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This many posts? You're joking right?

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 2:30 am

Beth wrote:
Better yet we should hire Playtowers! (OMG I LOVED PLAY AREAS SO MUCH!)

Okay, so it's gone up in price. It's £250 to hire the centre (doesn't include food - food is awful there anyway x_x). They require a £50 deposit which obviously comes off the £250 - so £200. (DAMN knew the price was too good to be true _<)

Maximun ammount of people is 500 O___O seriously.. when she told me, I was like..WTH?!?!?! that's like.. I don't even know that many people! XPPP But they reccommend a minimum of at least 25 people because of the price per person it works out o_O She assumed that I was only going to have ten people.. again WTH XP

They only have it at 7pm-9pm and only on Thrusday or Friday nights.

If we get 40 people to go, it'll be £6.75 each. If we aim for 50 people to go, it'll be £5 each.

So guys and gals, what shall we do?
What day shall we have it on?
Shall we still go for it?

How would you feel if I said you can all invite 10 friends each? XP

Do you think we'll get enough people?

Shall we do it after Christmas, so people have more money?



Last edited by Kursed on Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:45 am; edited 6 times in total
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In the Academy
In the Academy

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 7:11 am

You're going to need a high turnout to make this viable, with people actually turning up rather than saying they will. Monday night will be the best time to find out interest levels, most people dnt check forum : (
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Dead in Valkurm
Dead in Valkurm

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 1:08 pm

Give me a ball pool and a big slide and I am as happy as a clam - I'll be coming!

And in the interest of an extra body makes it cheaper for everyone Helen says she is coming too - because she liked you all that much when she went Lazerquesting ^^

In comparison to Lazerquest it's a bargain - If 15 people went it would be £10 each for two hours where as lazer Quest would be £10 for only one hour - And that doesn't include games and prizes! X3

What we could really do with is an extra week so we could tell everyone about it this week, then get them to bring thier money next week, and in effect pay in advance then we would know who was actually going.
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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 5:07 pm

Damn I can possibly see myself doing this, Taya too as she will be off Uni around that time Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 8:57 pm

Count me in
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 9:24 pm

I'd defnitely go. Last time I went was with the cubs and I couldn't go in because I had to annotate Great Expectations.

I was not happy =|
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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 10:33 pm

omg yes i will totally go! it'll be epic!
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSat Dec 05, 2009 10:54 pm

I'm down.
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Deus Invisus
Dead in Valkurm
Dead in Valkurm
Deus Invisus

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 3:56 am


"fuck yeah caps locks!"
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 4:25 am

Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm 12362110
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 12:15 pm

OMG YES A MILLION TIMES OVER!! O___O Playtowers is like.. amazing XD If we end up needing numbers I'm sure there are a few people from my college who wanna go (nice people ^^'). Omg I miss this forum.. and all of you.. T^T *cries* I need to have a fun day/night out with you all at some point, like with Hubbers Hill D:
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This many posts? You're joking right?
This many posts? You're joking right?

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 1:24 pm

Beth wrote:
Give me a ball pool and a big slide and I am as happy as a clam - I'll be coming!

And in the interest of an extra body makes it cheaper for everyone Helen says she is coming too - because she liked you all that much when she went Lazerquesting ^^

In comparison to Lazerquest it's a bargain - If 15 people went it would be £10 each for two hours where as lazer Quest would be £10 for only one hour - And that doesn't include games and prizes! X3

What we could really do with is an extra week so we could tell everyone about it this week, then get them to bring thier money next week, and in effect pay in advance then we would know who was actually going.

Ohh =o I never thought about it in that way.. it works out a pretty good price comparied to Lazerquest then..

Thankfully we DO have an extra week!!! =D We have Christmas Party tomorrow and then LAST club meeting of the year on the 14th (which was supposed to be when the Party was but.. it turns out Blooddonors is on ¬_¬ which I luckily saw on a board, so I swapped them). So yeah..

Here's the plan:
- Ring Playtowers tomorrow afternoon and find out how many people they allow etc.
- Tell you all at the club tomorrow evening, how much it's going to be, date etc.
- Ask that people bring their money for it the following Monday if they want to go.
- Get excited xp
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 2:25 pm

Put the dates on here too!! I wanna coommeee!! >o<'' Also, I know this is random and probably deserves another thread, but does anyone wanna come out tuesday night around town and what not? No one has to drink or anything, just have fun lol. Some friends from college are going cause its a girls birthday, but im like the only geek there so I want some anime fans to make me feel more at home XD
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Deus Invisus
Dead in Valkurm
Dead in Valkurm
Deus Invisus

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 5:48 pm

Guntank wrote:
Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm 12362110


oh ill be turning up for sure...with a loud speaker!
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeSun Dec 06, 2009 9:40 pm

is the fuck yeah to playtowers or town? XD And who is this? Is there gonna be a random stalky-stalky stabby-stabby guy turning up? *le gasp* =O If anyone wants to come to town its at lloyds at 7.30-8ish, although i wont be there until about 8.30-9ish cause i work with some slow-ass mother fuckers .___.''
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Deus Invisus
Dead in Valkurm
Dead in Valkurm
Deus Invisus

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 12:05 am

i could be judged as a random stalky-stalky stabby-stabby guy from a distance XP
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Dead in Valkurm
Dead in Valkurm

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 12:45 am

im in if its not a day when im working :'D
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 1:25 am

stalky-stalky stabby-stabby guy: ...who arree yooouuuu?! I'll turn up like 'OMFG WHO IS HE!??!' and you'll be someone lame.. like Lee D: (Love you Leeee~ XD)

Laura: Do you not know if youre working this Tuesday? How late does your rota go up!? o__O''' Screw work, you need to come to protect me fron the stalky-stalky stabby-stabby guuyy! =O It doesnt start until 7.30-8ish anywho, or just come when you can Smile
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This many posts? You're joking right?
This many posts? You're joking right?

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 1:26 am

Seriously, Lucy, you should have made a new thread xp;;
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Deus Invisus
Dead in Valkurm
Dead in Valkurm
Deus Invisus

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 1:35 am

im no lame guy, im really a nice person, im the blond short haired goth with a goatie.
beside i dont know you :S and you could turn out to be the lame person like lee (lee your cool! as your the only zombie killer i could turn to for aid)
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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeTue Dec 08, 2009 4:56 pm

A new thread probably would have helped.. XD Its in NEW Lloyds btw.
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This many posts? You're joking right?
This many posts? You're joking right?

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 5:33 pm

Just rang Playtowers..

Okay, so it's gone up in price. It's £250 to hire the centre (doesn't include food - food is awful there anyway x_x). They require a £50 deposit which obviously comes off the £250 - so £200. (DAMN knew the price was too good to be true _<)

Maximun ammount of people is 500 O___O seriously.. when she told me, I was like..WTH?!?!?! that's like.. I don't even know that many people! XPPP But they reccommend a minimum of at least 25 people because of the price per person it works out o_O She assumed that I was only going to have ten people.. again WTH XP

They only have it at 7pm-9pm and only on Thrusday or Friday nights.

If we get 40 people to go, it'll be £6.75 each. If we aim for 50 people to go, it'll be £5 each.

So guys and gals, what shall we do?
What day shall we have it on?
Shall we still go for it?

How would you feel if I said you can all invite 10 friends each? XP

Do you think we'll get enough people?

Shall we do it after Christmas, so people have more money?


Last edited by Kursed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 5:35 pm

PLEASE let this be after the 12th (I land on my birthday...!)

Weather is fine if anyone's wondering.

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4th Seat
4th Seat

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 5:40 pm

AFTER CHRISTMAS!! Like.. february or something. I say that because, even though I'm good to go any time, youll probably struggle to get a lot of people before christmas and in january, cause people will 'still be broke' since payment is once a month (for most people), and the December payment will be blown in the January sales. But yeah, I think everyone will still be up for PT, its fekking AMAZING! @w@ I have some college and work friends that are cool (those of you who went met some.. kinda.. well, Kim worships Nadine anyway XD). Thursday would be best since Nath can come then, even though he wont want to - I'll FORCE the bitch and set his parents onto him if he doesnt XP (shoulda seen his mum when I showed her photos from Hubbards Hill 'oh wow.. oh LOOK nath, theyre doing what REAL teenagers do! =O' XD Gotta love the Naylors XD)
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This many posts? You're joking right?
This many posts? You're joking right?

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Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 5:47 pm

Lmao, well, February seems a little too far away.. I think Thrusday would be a good day.. *looks at calendar*

There's next thrus/fri 17th and 18th but they are too close x_x the next set of Thrus/Fri are ChristmasxChrismasEve so that's out of the question. The next is New Years..

There's the 7th and 8th of Jan? or 14th and 15th Jan? I don't know.. when is better? I don't think Friday would be good because a lot of people are busy on fridays, right? Or is Friday better? o_O I'm just thinking.. not a lot happens on Thrusdays, does it? and if it finishes at 9pm, that's not too late for people who have work/school/college in the morning..
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PostSubject: Re: Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm   Playtowers - Friday 19th February 2010 - 7pm-9pm Icon_minitime

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