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 Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals

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This many posts? You're joking right?

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Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals Empty
PostSubject: Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals   Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 11:03 pm

This is my cousin in Canada O____O

"When Jessica Peters was drawing up her wish list for birthday gifts for her 11th birthday last month, she knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to help out the Sarnia Humane Society, and thanks to her friends, that’s exactly what the youngster did.

Jessica requested a charity birthday party, surprising her mother, and asking for all her gifts to be donations to the
humane society. After a visit to the humane society, Jessica received a copy of the newsletter, which outlines the kinds of supplies needed to help out the dogs, cats and other animals that make their way to the humane society. She also received some bookmarks and stickers for homes with animals, which were included in the homemade invitations to the party. The theme of the party caught on with the friends who attended the party, and family friend Kristen Bailey also got involved, not only hosting the party, but making cupcakes with dog and cat faces.

In the end, Jessica raised $50 in cash donations, along with 17 pounds of food and other supplies, which she personally
delivered to the humane society, where staff there were happy to receive it.

In the future, Jessica hopes to have a career helping animals, and if her 11th birthday is any indication, it’s a dream
that may well come true."

OH MY GOODNESS T_____T Bless her!!!! *huggles* But seriously now...
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Dead in Valkurm
Dead in Valkurm

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Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals   Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 11:37 pm

Awww thats really sweet <3
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In the Academy
In the Academy

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Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals   Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals Icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 1:58 pm

I want a Sloth, or a Panda or some kind of wild cat. Pass on the message please.
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PostSubject: Re: Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals   Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals Icon_minitime

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Instead of birthday gifts, girl asks for help for animals
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